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Ogłoszenia i przetargi

Temat Zawartość Pobierz
Numer postępowania: 2013/0058/P/NM  
Ogłoszenia i przetargi: 4/19/2013  
Termin skł. ofert: 7/9/2013  
Ogłoszenie o zamówieniu:
​ORLEN OIL Sp. z o.o., leading manufacturer of lubricants, part of the Capital Group of PKN ORLEN S.A. would like to invite to the tender for preparation of the Basic Engineering for modernization of Grease manufacturing Facility in ORLEN OIL Plant in Jedlicze. ATTENTION: The deadline for the submission of bids for preparation of Basic Engineering for modernization of Grease Manufacturing Facility in ORLEN OIL Plant in Jedlicze has been extended until 9 July 2013.
​Basic Engineering for modernization of Grease manufacturing Facility in ORLEN OIL Plant in Jedlicze
Zapytania i odpowiedzi:
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