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Successful season of Orlen Team


Championship titles of ORLEN Team members in just completed Cross Country rally season is a great information for all motor sport fans. Hołowczyc/Fortin car rally team of ORLEN Team won the vice-championship of the FIA World Cup.

The captain of the ORLEN Team, Jacek Czachor defended his FIM Word Champion title which he won in the 450 Rally Production. Marek Dąbrowski also climbed the highest platform level winning the Over 450 Rally Production class. The youngest member of the ORLEN Team, Jakub Przygoński completed his first full season in World Championships in the second position in the Over 450 Rally Sport class. So far, it is the biggest success of the Polish team in the Cross Country rallies.

The season was completed with the UAE Desert Challenge called also the Dubai Rally. Polish competitors were in the first ten places. Jakub Przygoński was ninth among the motorbike drivers and Jacek Czachor the tenth. “Hołek” was the third.

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