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03-11-2014  News

This autumn in ORLEN Oil has been full of important events, one of which was Export Gala held in October and attended by over 130 visitors: customers and major distributors from 30 countries.

Despite a great variety of languages used during the meeting, the guests were united under the common language of business.  During the official part presentations were delivered about the company, its growth directions on foreign markets and current trends in the oil business. 12 statuettes were handed over by Marcin Gralewski, President of ORLEN Oil, to the counterparties most active in promoting the company’s products abroad. There was also a celebration of the company’s first Middle American delivery – to the Republic of Guatemala.

“We have an ambitious goal to grow the presence of our Platinum products on foreign markets. We believe such events bring us closer to this goal” – says Leszek Trzepla, Head of Export.

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